Tri-State Staffing
225 Western Ave.
Augusta, Maine
(207) 622-0470

General Laborer

You are currently viewing jobs in the General Laborer category. For more information on any of the services or job listings shown on our site contact us and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Grounds Crew in Maine

Immediately - November 1, 2024
$16.00 hourly
Two Full-time positions/ 1 location in Augusta/1 location in Springvale

Maintenance of Maine's Veterans Cemeteries ground and facilities.

Main duties include: Mowing, mulching, and shrub trimming.
Assists with headstone installation and burial plot opening and closings.

Ability to perform physical work.
General maintenance & cleaning skills.

Contact Email

Please submit a resume to the above email.

On the subject line please enter, "Grounds Crew/location(Augusta or Springvale)"